Friday, March 6, 2009


My name is Frank battaglia. I was born in Mount Vernon New york in 1954. I attended Mount Vernon High School and graduated in 1972. I also attended nd grduated New York School of Visual Arts in manhattan in 1979.
I moved to Seattle Washington after I graduated after a coast to coast grey hound bus trip across america with camera in hand I met a delightful girl in Modesto california who was heading back home to Seattle. I was heading to Yosemite national park. She after being jilted by her california boyfriend decided to join me to Yosemite. I was relatively young and foolish and I fell for her. I wound up riding a bus with her to Seattle. Never been there! My impression was all the people wore flannel shirts and carried an axe! Well not excatly but close! Stayed there a week or so with her but had to get back to New York. Seen her another time but this time I found she was quite busy without me. I put my tail betwixt my leggs and flew all the way back to New York.
I did after graduation move to Seattle. I question my real reason why I moved there. I Knew but did not want to admit it. Well my initial reason for moving there was for a change. I liked what I sw. My secondary reason was to be close to her but alas she was no longer living in Washington anymore to my dismay! She went back to California. Oh well I thought. I'm here so make the best of it. I stayed in Seattle area for an amazing 24 years. I had marrieed had a kid NOT NECESSARILY IN THAT ORDER.I divorced and raised my daughter on my own since she was five years old.
Seattle went through some changes so I needed to get out awaqy rom my back stabbing job with the Parks Department and find a greener pasture. My first vacation ever in Hawaii was the ticket that bought me a future permanent ticket. I am much happier here now although sometimes I think I am living on the old TV show GREEN ACRES which is a closely named version of FERN ACRES where I reside.
While actually doing my art which is Photography in New York I was fortuneate to have met and photographed Edith Bouvier Beale from the infamous Grey Gardens Estate in New York's posh East hampton area.I managed to visit Edie several times to talk and photograph her. Ok if you do not know who she is think of Kennedy family relatives. She was first well known for the 1970s Documentary called GREY GARDENS. The photos I toook of her were my masterpieces of photographic fine art portraiture. To this day I make my photos avalable to the public for a fair price at my website
Publishers of course I welcome to view my images.
I live now in a modest but charming home on two acres of Ohia forest in rural eastern hawaii on the Big island. Lie is different for sure here but I am much more content getting out of the rat race! For those wanting to know about me, well you found me. I am still alive as of this posting. I am doing very little and getting quite alot without doing anything! Aloha to all who read my blog. Buy my photos, share with me, and care with me..Frank Battaglia